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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Who Belongs to the pavement?

Oleh: Widi Cahya Yudhanta

Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Desain Kawasan Binaan UGM

Transjogja, a public transport which is expected to help the needs of the community will jogja bus service are comfortable, safe, inexpensive, and timely information to the destination. Transjogja

bus ticket will be using the system so that no transaction between the conductor and passengers with the bus will stop only in a shelter / bus stop which is provided as many as 76 pieces. Shelter / bus stop perperan will be very important in the smooth running and operator of the bus, the location is easily accessible from each zone / region, area, attractive design that provides comfort to the user and the environment in which the stop is built will ultimately determine whether a shelter / bus stop will visited by the passengers. Current placement of the stop almost all of them took this body that should be used by sidewalk pedestrians, so that the current ordinary pedestrians using the sidewalk as a pedestrian zone must be willing to share with the bus stop Transjogja. The sidewalk

comes from the French word, trottoir [read: sidewalk]. In Indonesia this word is defined as a pedestrian path on the side of the highway that is intended primarily for pedestrian (foot), the sidewalk is a place where people perform activities as walking, either recreational or merely an attempt to reach the goal. The sidewalks should be built not only as the requirements of a street or just decorate a city. The sidewalks also need to give comfort to its users especially on people with disabilities / difable. Development Transjogja bus stop that takes the pavement is very disturbing body of the function of the pavement itself, which is used as an area of pedestrian / pedestrians because the sidewalks to be truncated so that no kemenerusannya causing pedestrians have to switch, what else for pedestrians with disabilities / difable that requires clarity and kemenerusan that is not obstructed by any good street furniture or any vegetation which is placed above the sidewalk so that he was not dropped or badly hit by a vehicle of public / private passing.

Construction of shelters / bus stops should be able to give kenyamana transjogja good for public transport users or users of the sidewalk / pedestrian without harming either party, for example the construction of shelters / bus dumbbell on Jl. Kusumanegara and Mandala Krida, which leaves only very few of the sidewalk space is taken as the bus stop so that pedestrians, especially people with disabilities can not pass, they must get out of trotaor order to pass, it is very disturbing and endangering both the public road users (vehicle) and pedestrians themselves. And design of bus stops that are less friendly to users of bus services, Raam for the disabled are less meet the standard so that it remains difficult, the use of materials that endanger the dominant glass in case of rupture as well as prevention of vandalism / graffiti-dauber by people who are less responsible.

Returns sidewalk according to its function is as a pedestrian area is something that can not be done. Starting with the socialization that walking on a public road is dangerous, prioritizing pedestrians and bicycles, as well as divert placement of street furniture and vegetation that is not the appropriate place pedestrians.

If there Busway with facility-fasiltasnya why there are no special walkway for pedestrians as an alternative to a comfortable and safe way, with facilities-facilities that support both for normal pedestrian and disabled people.

Disabled people are users who need special attention from us, this is due to limitations in the ability and need help with additional facilities, the sidewalks are patterned steering, which aksesibble signs that can be read, and kemenerusan that facilitate the achievement as well as vegetation that give coolness.

The sidewalks are not only belong to street hawkers, Motor Ways dikala jam, or busways to the stop-haltenya, pedestrian sidewalk also belongs to normal and that should take precedence difable comfort and safety, in accordance with the basic functions of planning the sidewalk as a pedestrian area that meets the sidewalk kaki.Pembangunan safety standard requirements are needed to support the sidewalk as a pedestrian Ways so that pedestrians do not have to scream, pray and high-level alert so as not to harm, nah!


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